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December 23, 2009


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I agree- nicotine is so dififcult to kick. I was a smoker for so long, and tried to quit numerous times. The day I quit for good, though, was the day my mom (a lifelong smoker), called and told me she had to start using oxygen. Gave away my cigarettes to a friend who smoked, bought the patch, and that was that. It's been 11 years or so since then, and I'm happy to say I am still nicotine free. Unfortunately, even though my mom quit, it was too late for her heart and lungs to heal. There isn't a day I wake up and don't miss her.Addendum: Thank You so much for your kind words, and please accept my condolences on your losses. I think maybe the only answer for some may be the ever rising cost of cigarettes. I figured out once how much I spent on cigarettes, and was floored by the amount of money I was (literally) burning. In any case- I wish you well in your efforts

green drink

How amazing to see people creating great stuff out of small paper.

Retro Jordans

Your article give me a lot helpful message, no doubt a valuable blog. Best wishes to you.

Joan Norman

Jackie, I love all of your creations. You are so talented. Thanks so much for sharing what you do. It is FAB!!!


WOW this is too cute!! I am still waiting for my punch to come in, gosh darn back order!!!

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