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May 15, 2013


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Linda Davis

My dad was like that, he was always making something for someone. He was so creative. I miss him dearly.

Diane McVey

I loved my Dad, but he would NEVER think to do something so personal and helpful as what your Dad did for you! That is just plain awesome. It's nice to know there are people like him in the world...even if some of us didn't get to experience that. Kudos to your Dad for even knowing what you do! LOL That is GREAT that he gave you such a thoughtful gift!!! :D


what a great idea!!!!!!!

Sharon Steinwand

Now, that's slick. If your Dad isn't selling them, someone else surely will! How nice of you to share your good fortune by displaying the wonder racks! My husband does some woodworking, and I know what a labor of love that kind of project is. Looks like your Dad is a master measurer- they look so even and professional. Enjoy!


they are awesome!!! should have patented them...they have already hit Pinterest!!!!Does he want a second career!!! Your dad rocks!!!!

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